An Analysis of a Consumption Tax for California
Dr. Fred E. Foldvary, Dr. Colleen E. Haight, and Dr. Annette Nellen at San Jose State University, 2016
Restorative Justice as Diversion in California’s Juvenile and Criminal Justice Systems: Potential Impacts and State Policy
Caitlin M. O'Neil, Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California at Berkeley, spring 2016
Used by some local justice agencies in California, restorative justice practices bring together parties impacted by an offense to address harm caused to them. In most cases, this is used as an alternative to incarceration. Read about ideas to support and implement restorative justice practices on a statewide basis.
Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System at the Starting Blocks: Insights from Phase 1 Counties
Paula Wilhelm, Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California at Berkeley, spring 2016
California is the first state in the nation to transform its Medicaid program to provide an organized system of care that includes drug treatment. Read about California’s efforts that began in the Bay Area counties.