Looking at the Whole Picture: Analysis of the Whole Person Care Pilot and Medical-Behavioral Health Integration in Medi-Cal
Lillian Chen, Goldman School of Public Policy and School of Public Health, University of California at Berkeley, spring 2017
This report examines three of California’s Medi-Cal initiatives designed to better serve Medi-Cal beneficiaries with physical and behavioral health needs. The newest of these, the Whole Person Care Pilot, seeks to strengthen coordination between county health programs, social services, and Medi-Cal managed care plans to broadly address beneficiaries’ needs, including housing.

Enhancing Crisis Intervention In California:  An Examination of Crisis Intervention Legislation
Monica Balanoff, Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California at Berkeley, spring 2017
This report examines the implementation of three recent laws focused on improving police officer interactions with people with behavioral health issues and providing them appropriate services.