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Established in 1969 by the California Senate Rules Committee, the Senate Office of Research (SOR) is a nonpartisan policy office that provides research for Senate members and committees with the development of effective public policy.

SOR policy consultants work with state senators to help generate problem-solving ideas, gather data, prepare briefing papers, craft legislation, and organize informational hearings. The policy consultants also prepare background information for Senate Rules Committee members to consider as they review the governor’s appointments to state agencies, boards, and commissions.

The office is responsible for tracking emerging state and federal issues and acting as a liaison with think tanks and academic institutions outside the Capitol. Research findings are often shared through published reports written by SOR staff and studies commissioned by SOR.

We hope the information presented on the SOR Web site is helpful to you, as we strive to provide objective analysis on matters that impact all Californians. Thank you for visiting our Web site.

SOR Consultants

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