
Gender and Equity in California at the Close of the 20th Century
Julie Salley, June 2019
In 1999, the Senate Office of Research published a report detailing the major accomplishments toward female equality in the 20th century in the areas of civil rights, education, and the workplace.  This brief presents key highlights from that report and describes our intent to release an updated publication later this year on the status of gender and equity in California and the United States in the 21st century.

Nutritional Requirements Relaxed for School Lunch Programs
Lisa Giroux, May 2017
States and schools have more time to comply with nutrition standards for federally funded school meals due to action taken by Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue, which is described in this report.

Profile of the Status of Women and Girls in South Los Angeles
Debra Cooper, Elizabeth Dietzen Olsen, and Norma Loza, October 2015
Prepared at the request of the Select Committee on Women and Inequality for the 2015 Hearing, this background document provides a snapshot of issues affecting gender, race, and poverty in South Los Angeles, including employment, homelessness, and trafficking.

California's New School Planning and Accountability System
Jody Martin, January 2015
An overview of the system established by the Local Control Funding Formula legislation and areas for further state action as the system evolves.

To Train or Not to Train: Is Workforce Training a Good Public Investment?
Daniel Rounds, May 2013
For years, policy makers have faced a dilemma. Should workforce development resources—such as Workforce Investment Act (WIA) funds—be used to help the unemployed and underemployed find immediate employment? Or should the money be spent upgrading workers' job skills to help improve their medium- to long-term prospects in the labor market?

Sequestration Is Now in Effect: What It Could Mean to California
Meredith Wurden and Meg Svoboda, March 2013
Find out which major programs are impacted by the sequester (automatic federal budget cuts) and what it could mean to California.

Sequestration: What Is It? And How Could It Impact California?
Erin Riches, Meredith Wurden, Meg Svoboda, and SOR Staff, October 2012
Automatic federal budget reductions—known as sequestration—could cut many federal programs and spare others beginning in January 2013.

The Workforce Investment Act: How Is the Federal Funding Being Spent?
Daniel Rounds, May 2011
Hundreds of millions of dollars are allocated annually to California through this federal act, and most Local Workforce Investment Boards report spending far less on job training than on employment services at One-Stop Career Centers.

Keeping California Competitive: The Impact of Math and Science Teachers
Gail Evans, October 2009
Could California's shortage of math and science teachers impact its ability to compete with other states—and even nations—in the coming years?

Could a New Way of Collecting Data Transform Education in California?
Leonor Ehling, May 2009
California plans to launch a more sophisticated process for collecting data on K-12 public schools.

Lessons From the California Experience: The State With the Largest Public Higher-Education System in the Nation Takes Important Steps Toward Establishing a Statewide Accountability Model
Rona Levine Sherriff and Marlene Linares Garcia, January 2007
Preface by California State Senator Jack Scott
California, like the rest of the nation, has heard the cry for accountability. In recent years this cry has intensified in the public and private sectors—and in particular in academia.

The University of California's Compliance With the 1994 Memorandum of Understanding to Increase the Number of Primary Care Physicians Trained in California
Marlene Garcia, May 2005
Over the past 15 years, California has suffered a severe shortage of primary care physicians.

Adult Education: Will It Meet the Challenges of the Future?
Rona Levine Sherriff, April 2003
Improving the quality of education has been a top priority of state policymakers in recent years.

Increasing Access and Promoting Excellence: Diversity in California Public Higher Education
Marlene Garcia, May 2002 [1147-S]
As California has moved from enforcing diversity by statute to fostering diversity as a matter of enrichment and equity, colleges and universities are becoming a staging ground for maximizing the benefits of California's unprecedented mix of races, ethnic groups, and cultures.

Women and Equality: A California Review of Women’s Equity Issues in Civil Rights, Education, and the Workplace
Kate Sproul, February 1999 [987-S]
The expanding roles of women since the beginning of the modern-day civil-rights movement have triggered sea changes in this country’s social trends.