
Federal Update: Federal COVID-19 Relief Funding for California’s Housing and Homelessness Response
Ted Link-Oberstar and Bridgett Hankerson, January 2022
This federal update summarizes federal funding provided to the state of California as well as local and tribal governments and public housing authorities to assist with housing and homelessness issues in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It includes brief program summaries and identifies funding allocated as of the publication date. This report may be updated as warranted.

Profile of the Status of Women and Girls in South Los Angeles
Debra Cooper, Elizabeth Dietzen Olsen, and Norma Loza, October 2015
Prepared at the request of the Select Committee on Women and Inequality for the 2015 Hearing, this background document provides a snapshot of issues affecting gender, race, and poverty in South Los Angeles, including employment, homelessness, and trafficking.

Eminent Domain and Redevelopment Agencies: The Debate Continues
Erin Riches, January 2008
The 2005 U.S. Supreme Court's Kelo decision generated a great deal of discussion in California about how redevelopment agencies—local agencies aimed at revitalizing blighted areas—use eminent domain.