Environmental Quality

Review of Environmental Leadership Development Projects
Paul Jacobs with contributions from Russell Manning, April 2019
This report describes projects that have qualified for expedited CEQA judicial review pursuant to statutes such as AB 900, Statutes of 2011, and presents options for legislative consideration.

State Investments in Clean Energy and Transportation Technology
Paul Jacobs and John Thompson, March 2019
This report describes the state’s investments in clean energy and transportation technology development through 40 existing financial incentive programs and presents what we believe are important considerations for the Legislature.

Climate Change and Health: Understanding How Global Warming Could Impact Public Health in California
Julianne McCall, November 2018
Part I of this report describes the state of climate change in California and possible effects on human health. Part II summarizes a body of scientific research showing how California’s population already is affected by extreme heat and other suboptimal environmental conditions that could worsen with climate change. Senator Ricardo Lara requested the report.

CEQA: Impacts on Delivering State Highway Transportation Projects
Paul Jacobs, March 2018
Following a request to assess CEQA impacts on transportation project delivery, we reviewed data provided by Caltrans that suggests CEQA did not have significant adverse impacts overall.

Optimizing Public Benefits from State-Funded Research
Julianne McCall and Paul Jacobs with contributions from Teresa Feo, March 2018
Prepared at the request of Senator Bob Wieckowski, this report presents key principles and discusses structural components necessary to optimize public benefits from state-funded research programs.

Social Cost of Carbon:Federal and California Activity
Paul Jacobs, February 2018
The Trump administration recently disbanded an interagency working group tasked with estimating the social cost of carbon (SCC), with implications at the federal and state levels. This report provides an overview of the SCC and related activities at the federal level and by California state agencies.

The Water We Drink, Part 2: What Is California Doing to Ensure Safe Water is Affordable and Accessible?
Michael Jarred and Meg Svoboda with Darrell Lu, Jim Damrell, and Brie Lindsey, August 2015
This is the second of two installments providing an update to SOR’s 2011 report on drinking water. This installment focuses on the challenges of providing safe and clean water that is affordable to disadvantaged communities.

The Water We Drink, Part 1: What Is California Doing to Ensure Its Water Is Safe?
Updated by Michael Jarred with Meg Svoboda and Brie Lindsey, February 2015
This is the first of two installments providing an update to SOR’s 2011 report on drinking water. This installment provides an overview of the state's regulation of drinking water.

The Water We Drink: What Is California Doing to Ensure Its Water Is Safe?
Michelle Baass, May 2011
"Every citizen of California has the right to pure and safe drinking water," according to California state law. And how safe is the state's water?

Pedicures at What Price? The Nail-Salon Workforce Has Experienced Tremendous Growth, Prompting a Closer Look at the Health and Safety Issues Impacting its Employees
Rona L. Sherriff, December 2008
The health and safety of California's 96,000 licensed nail technicians is capturing the attention of policymakers, worker advocates, researchers, and regulators at a time when California is also embarking on a comprehensive program to reduce or eliminate hazardous chemicals in consumer products and the environment.

Liquefied Natural Gas: What Is LNG? And What Is Proposed for California?
Kip Wiley, September 2008
The United States, including California, uses natural gas to heat homes and offices, cook food, and, most of all, fuel power plants generating electricity.

Addressing Perchlorate Contamination of Drinking-Water Sources in California
Bryan Ehlers and Kip Wiley, January 2004
Perchlorate is the common name for a family of salts that includes ammonium, potassium, magnesium, and sodium perchlorate.