Labor and Industrial Relations

The Impact of Paid Family Leave Policies
Rebecca Rabovsky, November 2019
This paper is primarily focused on the impact of paid leave policies, particularly California’s paid family leave program, on maternal and infant health, labor market outcomes, and effects on employers. It also includes information about the current status of paid family leave in federal and state law. Prepared at the request of the Senate Select Committee on Women, Work and Families.

Operationalizing the Fair Pay Act: How California’s Pay Equity Task Force Transformed Law Into Action

Megan Lane, February 2018
Prepared at the request of Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson, this report examines the collaborative process of the Pay Equity Task Force as an innovative example of cross-sector coordination for social change.

Occupational Segregation and the Gender Pay Gap
Megan Lane, November 2017
Prepared at the request of the Senate Select Committee on Women and Inequality, this background paper discusses the status and causes of occupational segregation based on gender and its contribution to the gender pay gap.

Women and Corporate Governance
Megan Lane, August 2017
Prepared at the request of the Select Committee on Women, Work and Families, this background paper highlights women’s underrepresentation in corporate governance, barriers to their participation, and the link between women’s participation and good governance.

Profiles of California’s Unemployed
Ken Spence and Megan Lane, August 2017
Learn about the multidimensional challenges of California’s out-of-work population in 17 cities and counties.

The Benefits of Parental Leave Policies
Megan Lane, April 2017
Prepared at the request of the Select Committee on Women, Work and Families, this background paper highlights the impact of leave policies on maternal and infant health, as well as on the employer from a productivity standpoint.

What Is the Gender Pay Gap?
Megan Lane, April 2017
Prepared at the request of the Select Committee on Women and Inequality, this background paper provides an overview of the gender pay gap by identifying what it is, where it is most profound, and potential explanations for it.

What Is Implicit Bias?
Megan Lane, March 2017
Prepared at the request of the Select Committee on Women and Inequality, this background paper provides a snapshot of the state of the research on implicit bias and identifies potential solutions to help recognize and reduce it.

Profile of the Status of Women and Girls in South Los Angeles
Debra Cooper, Elizabeth Dietzen Olsen, and Norma Loza, October 2015
Prepared at the request of the Select Committee on Women and Inequality for the 2015 hearing, this background document provides a snapshot of issues affecting gender, race, and poverty in South Los Angeles, including employment, homelessness, and trafficking.

California's Paid Family Leave Program: Ten Years After the Program's Implementation, Who Has Benefited and What Has Been Learned?
Brie Lindsey, PhD, and Daphne Hunt, July 2014
On July 1, 2004, California became the first state to implement a paid family leave program. This report examines trends in paid family leave claims over the program's first decade.

To Train or Not to Train: Is Workforce Training a Good Public Investment?
Daniel Rounds, May 2013
For years, policy makers have faced a dilemma. Should workforce development resources—such as Workforce Investment Act (WIA) funds—be used to help the unemployed and underemployed find immediate employment? Or should the money be spent upgrading workers' job skills to help improve their medium- to long-term prospects in the labor market?

Sequestration Is Now in Effect: What It Could Mean to California
Meredith Wurden and Meg Svoboda, March 2013
Find out which major programs are impacted by the sequester (automatic federal budget cuts) and what it could mean to California.

Sequestration: What Is It? And How Could It Impact California?
Erin Riches, Meredith Wurden, Meg Svoboda, and SOR Staff, October 2012
Automatic federal budget reductions—known as sequestration—could cut many federal programs and spare others beginning in January 2013.

The Workforce Investment Act: How Is the Federal Funding Being Spent?
Daniel Rounds, May 2011
Hundreds of millions of dollars are allocated annually to California through this federal act, and most Local Workforce Investment Boards report spending far less on job training than on employment services at One-Stop Career Centers.

Pedicures at What Price? The Nail-Salon Workforce Has Experienced Tremendous Growth, Prompting a Closer Look at the Health and Safety Issues Impacting its Employees
Rona L. Sherriff, December 2008
The health and safety of California's 96,000 licensed nail technicians is capturing the attention of policymakers, worker advocates, researchers, and regulators at a time when California is also embarking on a comprehensive program to reduce or eliminate hazardous chemicals in consumer products and the environment.

Running Out of Money: California's Unemployment Insurance Fund Faces Insolvency
Rona L. Sherriff, August 2008
Experts predict California's unemployment insurance fund will reach a $3.55 billion deficit by the end of 2010, which would be the largest deficit recorded in the state since the fund was established in 1935.

Microenterprises Give California's Economy a Boost
Rona L. Sherriff, July 2008
Micro businesses—those with fewer than five employees as well as sole proprietorships—have grown by 24 percent since 2000.

Balancing Work and Family: Two-and-a-Half Years Ago, California Became the First State in the Nation to Offer Paid Family Leave Benefits. Who Has Benefited? What Has Been Learned?
Rona L. Sherriff, February 2007
The many demands and pressures of family life and the workplace have always been a challenge for most. Today that balancing act has become more complex.

California Laws Helping Working Parents
Kate Sproul, July 2004
The workplace has changed. In the past, most men worked outside the home and most women worked inside the home, usually raising children. 

California's Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund Is at Risk of Insolvency
Rona L. Sherriff, August 2003
California’s unemployment insurance (UI) trust fund balance is rapidly diminishing and faces prospects of future insolvency.

Lagging the Nation: California's Jobless Benefits
Rona L. Sherriff, August 2000
California’s jobless benefits, set at a maximum of $230 per week, lag behind benefits paid in most states in the nation.

Women and Equality: A California Review of Women’s Equity Issues in Civil Rights, Education, and the Workplace
Kate Sproul, February 1999 [987-S]
The expanding roles of women since the beginning of the modern-day civil-rights movement have triggered sea changes in this country’s social trends.